VRpatients Authoring Tool

Simulation Authoring Platform

VRpatients’ Clinical Case Authoring Tool is as simple as 1, 2, 3.

Build Your Case

1. Build your scenario.

Deploy Students Remotely

2. Deploy to students remotely.


3. Objectively assess performance.

The most powerful no-code Virtual Reality sim-builder in the world.

With VRpatients you can create life-like clinical experiences for your students that meet all nursing accreditation education standards, a diversity of avatars that are physiologically responsive and medically accurate, and scenarios that are not only editable but can be different each day so your students never have to sim the same way twice!

VRpatients is an asynchronous simulation platform so your students can, for the first time ever, simulate on standardized scenarios while not in the sim center.

This total control for the Nurse Educator provides a fully customizable tool to give the students an unparalleled virtual simulation experience. Never pay thousands for new scenarios engineered by game developers that take weeks to receive and do not fit your specific curriculum needs. Don’t download sims that don’t quite fit your need. Author your own sims and build a patient library that unlike any other.

Empower your faculty with a tool to create virtual reality simulations their way, no coding required.

Simply connect the boxes. No programming required.

Create custom physiologic responses to medication administration in minutes!
